
8600-13NA 由帶有紙襯的高性能丙烯酸粘合劑製成。它具有出色的長期粘合性能,可承受惡劣的環境條件。它在高剪切力和良好的可用粘性之間提供了良好的平衡。用途包括:間隙填充、安裝銘牌、飾件、拼接金屬線圈等。非常適合高性能泡沫和墊圈。

8600-13NA is manufactured from high performance acrylic adhesive with a paper liner. It has excellent long term bonding properties withstanding tough environmental conditions. It offers a good balance between high shear and good useable tack. Uses include: gap filling, mounting name plates, trims, splicing metal coils, etc. Excellent for high performance foams and gaskets.


  • 基材: (無)
  • Substrate: (Nil)
  • 總厚度/Total Thickness (mm): 0.080
  • 膠系: 壓克力膠
  • Adhesive Type: Acrylic
  • 對鋼板黏著力/Adhesion to Steel (g/25mm): 2800